Aim of LTMC Clinics
Our practice has about 1000 patients with one or more long term medical conditions (LTMCs).We take this responsibility to see these patients at least once a year to check that everything is going well with the management of their condition and any medication they are using. If a patient has more than one condition, we need to review them for each condition. Reviewing patients in this way represents about 25- 30% of the entire workload of the practice. By carrying out these reviews more efficiently we have hope to achieve these objectives:
- give patients more control over the management of their condition
- reduce the need for patients to make multiple visits to the practice to see the nurse and the doctor
- allow patients more time with the doctor/nurse team for help and advice on the management of their condition
- better allocation of the practice resources so that we have more time for the important stuff like providing good quality health advice for all of our patients